If you watch or listen to the "news", two weeks ago, the world-wide scientific community was rocked, when the headlines read, "Cocktail Of Drugs Gives First Hope That ‘Biological Age’ Can Be Reversed".
The news was based on a clinical study conducted by geneticists at the University of California, who saw, first-hand, how a special medicinal cocktail would miraculously reverse the “epigenetic clock” by an average of 2.5-years per clinical study participant .
In this week's Renew Life RX podcast, powered by Super Human Radio, Adam Lamb and Carl Lanore, review the scientific literature, dissect it, and let you know if and how you may be able to achieve similar results.
After listening to the latest Super Human Radio podcast, consider reaching out to our in-house longevity specialist, Adam Lamb, who will safely and effectively guide you - you may or may not be a candidate for a longevity cocktail, so check in with Adam, to find out: (adam@renewliferx.com)
Click the link, below, listen in, and walk away smarter than you are right now!
As always, I leave you with the mission of Renew Life RX - we are here to help our patients optimize their health. We choose only to work with people who are proactive when it comes to their health = you take care of yourself, eat clean, train consistently and do your part, and we will do everything we can to care for you, while providing exceptional patient support
~James Villepigue and Team Renew Life RX